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: Sentences by truth value
: The concept of entropy
: The BigBang teori
:The cosmic bagground radiation
:Einstein's most important equations
: Uncertainty relations
: The formation of dark matter, and Process 1
: Dark energi (2)
: Diagram for proces 1
: Hopple's constant, The formation of dark matter (3 )
         : Darwinism, the creation of life
: Heisenberg's uncertainty relations
: Life and death
: New cannibalism, introduction
: Anything that does not harm others, nudity
: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome, and other diseases
: New cannibalism 2
: Cannibalistic cooking
: Worldsaver

This chapter can be a bit difficult, but you can get some help by moving the cursor to underlined text, and you will get a more detailed explanation. The world is full of paradoxes, see Wikipaedia's list of approx. 100 problems in physics*: ! AND then there are similar lists in the subjects:
Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Fair distribution (*), Geoscience, Information theory, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Physics Statistics.
And if you want to read something more cheerful, start with cannibalistic cooking and read backwards.

We have "Sentences" that can be divided according to the probability of their being true:
  SpeculationsSentences that are pure fantasy or wishful thinking, without proof.
A Example: "there is a God". This sentence has been tried in vain by many astute people throughout the ages, and the mere fact that it could not be proven is a form of disproof. But then in the 60s proof that it was not a "God" who had created the world, and that is serious if one wants to believe in "God" and has called "God" the "creator".
Hyotheses:Sentenses that can be partially considered probable
Theories: Hypotheses that can be considered probable, so that one cannot doubt that they are correct, at least in their main features. Ex: Darwinism as proposed by Charles Darwin (1809-1882) published "Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"'>Darwin in 1858. He said, among other things, that individuals have phenotypic variations, and these variations can be inherited. However, his followers were wrong on certain points, for example, someone claimed that "the giraffe got its long neck by walking and stretching its neck". This is not true, it was a monk Gregor Johan Mendel who laid the foundation for the theory of heredity. The long neck is a hereditary characteristic that is born with, it lies in the chromosomes and genes, and that they existed was unknown in Darwin's and Mendel's time. So [Darwinism combined with Mendel's teachings] (=Neo-Darwinism) is the theory, while Darwinism lacked an explanation for why, and was therefore only a hypothesis at the time.
Facts:Theories that have been proven. Ex: The Earth is round, it was already said by Aristotles : "The Earth is round. You see it during lunar eclipses, when the Earth casts its shadow on the Moon. The shadow is round".

Entropy is a measure of the degree of disorder. Imagine that you have cleaned up completely, everything is in its known place, socks in that drawer, underwear in the next, etc., you know where everything is, then the entropy is zero. But then, after a certain time, you probably know, then most of the things are mixed up in the different drawers or on the floor, everything is a mess, you can say that then the entropy has increased. Entropy is a nice word for the degree of disorder.
Entropy is usually denoted by the letter S, and ΔS is the increase in entropy - the sign Δ is the Greek letter DELTA and is usually used in the sense of "increase in".
The following applies:
isolated process, the entropy increases or is constant,    
ΔS >= 0 
If ΔS < 0 the process cannot take place, it is 'forbidden'. If the amount of heat ΔQ is supplied, the entropy increases by
  ΔS = ΔQ/T 
where T is the absolute temperature.
Boltzman's entropy formula

Another way to calculate the entropy is 
Boltzmann's entropy formula:
The entropy S = kB/(ln Ω) where kB = 1.380649 · 10-23 J/K stands for Boltzmann's constant (not to be confused with the Stefan-Boltzmann constant "sigma" σ = 5.670374419 x 10-8 W•K- 4),  ln  stands for the natural logarithm with base e = S 2.718281828. If  ln A = x  then ex = A. Ω is the number of possible states the substance can be in.
At 0 o'clock (at the Big Bang) the entropy of the entire universe was 0. Since then, the entropy has grown so that the universe has become a very large pile of mess.

ΔS ≥ 0,  remember that !. You will never be able to travel back in time to the past.
You will be able to travel forward to the future-  But if you do so, you can not travel back again and tell about the experiences, it feels exactly as if you had slept the whole way to the future.

The BigBang teori
Time and space were initially 0, the clock was 0 = -14.7 billion years, and the world was gathered in one point (x=0, y=0, z=0, t=0), so there was infinite order, the entropy was 0. The whole world was gathered in one universal particle, and the emitted first its dark matter and thereby became unstable. Then came the BiBang where the stock of the "world particle" grew. At first the universe was homogeneous, one single (particle=wave function), homogen (the same everywhere), but the location coordinates, which was initially (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0), grew and time could be defined as a function of location coordinates, i.e. time began to pass !.
But the wave function was far too large, it had to split into smaller parts (large particles) which became smaller particles such as protons and neutrons in particular. So remained the world is not homogeneous, time can be defined based on (x,y,z), and the entropy is greater than 0 and it grows every time the pot is "messed around".
Or to put it another way: In the beginning the whole world was gathered in one point, and the materia was mainly made of light = swinging electric andd magnetic fields. The force of gravity was too great for anything to escape. But then came the BigBang and the universe began to expand. Only then did time arise. Or: There was nothing before, because time did not pass at all and the clock was 0 (absolute time). A place from which nothing can escape is what is called a black hole.
Then gradually the force of gravity became less and smaller nuclear particles could be formed and the original wave function became several smaller ones. After approx. 380 thousand years after BigBabg, the universe was no longer homogeneous, but consisted mainly of neutrons, and the neutrons began to turn into neutrons + electrons.

The cosmic background radiation
Electrons could only arise when the universe was large enough, and an electron takes up about a million times more space than the nucleus of an atom or a proton or a neutron. But then it happened: The universe became large enough for electrons to be formed, the protons with their positive charge attracted electrons with their negative charge, and they joined together in a quantum leap. The excess energy was emitted as light, it is the cosmic background radiation. Since that happend the wavelength has become much larger becaise of the expansion of the universe.
Protons with their positive charge attracted electrons with their negative charge, and they joined together in a quantum leap. The excess energy was emitted as light, it is " the cosmic background radiation" that can still be seen evenly distributed in all directions, although in the intervening time the wavelength has become much larger with the expansion of the universe.
The light (now in the form of microwaves) anywhere and is THE proof of the BigBang theori. The BigBang teori is threrfor a well proofed theori. If we believe that it is a God who created the cosmic background radiation, then he must have created it in order to deceive us into believing that there has been no BigBang.

Einstein's equivalence principle and Einstein's equation.
Einstein's equation: E=mc2 is probably Einstein's most famous equation. It says that energy and mass are equivalent, not to say the same, but when a mass moves at a speed comparable to the speed of light, there is an extra link with:
Einstein's equation: E2 = m2•c4 + (m•v)2c2. For massless particles, first of all, photons, however, E=h•f , see *. There are antiparticles for almost all particles, but not photons, it is said that the photon is an antparticle to itself. Dark matter is the invisible matter that we can't count.

Dark energi (1)

Most of the universe is made of "Dark energi" and we do'nt know what it is. But we can see it as "something" because it has NEGATIVE mass. Previously I erroneously thought that all dark matter had negative mass, wrong, but then I realized that it was (only?) dark energy that had negative mass, and that dark energy and black matter are diferent concepts.
There are antiparticles for almost all particles, but not photons, we supposethat the photon is it owns antiparticle. Dark matter is the invisible matter which we onnly can see due to it's gravitation. Since E=m•c2 a negative energi only occurs if the mass is negative and that is, as far as I know, ownly true for dark matter.
Newton made Newton's law of gravity: Gravity = F =  G•m1•m2/r2.
If a mass m1 is positive and m2 is dark matter with negative mass, then F is negative, so ordinary matter (m1 positive) and dark matter (m2 negative) repel each other.
From Wikipedia: In the most accepted theories of the Universe, the hitherto hypothetical concept of dark energy is used. This energy has not interaction with electromagnetism and thus not with photons and is therefore called dark. A minority of scientists do not believe that dark energy exists.

Dark energi (2) Process 1
Proces 1 :  Nothing  →  Dark_energ + Something
There is nothing to prevent process 1 from taking place if the antisomething has a negative mass, it could be dark energy (the only known example). But te reverse proces :
Forbitten:  Dark_energi + Something  → Nothing
It is not possible, antisomething repels something so they do not collide so easily. Furthermore, the entropy should decrease in the process forbidden contrary to all experience, by any process. the entropy will either increase or remain unchanged.
Process 1 must - in my opinion - happen inside the galaxies, where strong gravitational fields are present. However, I do not agree with everyone here, many believe that the process happens in the enormous space between the galaxies. I beleve in my way. To push/pull the dark energi / Something apart strong forces are needed, i.e a very strong gravitational field.
A strange phenomenon: There seems to be more dark energy than ordinary energy, I have no good explanation for that !
But if we believe that Proces 1 happens in galaxies and other places where there is a lot of gravity (at the Big Bang, near black holes, at quasars, etc.), then we can explain how the matter was created, the Big Bang, the expansion of the universe and the accelerating speed of the stars away from each other. By the way, the dark matter repelling the normal matter.
It is interesting that process 1 does not behave "nicely" as it does not comply with the Causal Theorem: "Everything has a cause" from which we can deduce that "Nothing comes from nothing". The causal theorem is one of the laws of logic.
Process 1 above can also be written as a diagram:

Dark energy repels normal (visible) matter because it has negative mass and is therefore pushed in the opposite direction. Therefore, process 1 can only occurs in a gravitational field strong enough to split "nothing", e.g. in galaxies, but the dark energy repels the galaxies afterwards, and after some time it mainly ends up in the great gap in the universe between galaxies - just where is was'nt created.
In addition the entropy should decrease in the process "forbidden" contrary to all experience, provided that no entropy is removed from the surroundings.
It see s terefore as a fact that process 1 must only take place inside the galaxies where there are strong gravitational fields. I don't agree with everyone here though.
A strange phenomenon: There must be a little more dark energy than ordinary energy, I have no good explanation for that !
It is interesting that process 1 does not behave "nicely" as it does not obey the causal statement: "Everything has a cause", from which we can deduce that "Nothing comes from nothing".
The causal clause is one of the logical laws.
Robert Storm Pedersen made a humorous addition: "nothing comes from nothing, except pocket wool".
Furthermore, I have read about
the casimir effect "Casmir-force" which is something that comes from nothing, so it is another example that the causal theorem is not always valid.
If we have two masses and one mass is positive and the other is dark matter with negative mass, then m1•m2 becomes negative (in Newton's law of gravity). So ordinary matter (m positive) and dark matter (m negative) repel each other.
Equation 1 contradicts to some extent the general Theory of relativity, where it is claimed that there is no way to tell whether you are in a gravitational field or an acceleration field, because if process 1 can take place it must be a gravitational field - or how, I am not sure that this objection holds water.
For photons the mass is m=0 and the energy is  E=h•f where f=frequency, sometimes called E=h•ν. ν is the Greek letter ν, (my) and is easily confused with the Latin letter v which stands for velocity.
If yo are loooking for "Teori of relativity", look at wikipedia: , or a better description, see .

Hopple's constant
Not so long ago it was thought that the expansion rate of the universe (=Hopple's constant) was getting smaller and smaller, but recent measurements clearly show that it is just the opposite, and this is probably because the dark energy that is constantly being formed by
process 1 in the gravitational field is being repelled in the opposite direction.

Not so long ago, it was thought that the expansion rate of the universe, (=Hopple's constant) was getting smaller and smaller, but recent measurements clearly show that it is just the opposite, and this is presumably due to the fact that the dark energy is constantly being formed by in the gravitational field is repelled in the opposite direction of the gavitational field. Dont confuse "Dark energi" with "Black matter", black matter seems to be pushed in the gravitationel field's direction.

Dark energi (3)
As more dark energy is constantly being created, the repulsion accelerates, and therefore the speed of everyone's escape from everyone becomes greater.
The repulsion pushes the dark energy away from the galaxies, which also means that it is found especially in the gigantic void between galaxies. The dark energy does not interact in any other known way with the "normal" matter of the universe except through this negative gravity.
Newton's 3rd law says that if a body (here the dark energy) affects another body (here the visible matter etc. in a galaxy), then this second matter will affect the first with an equal, oppositely directed force. So the galaxies repel the dark energy, which is thereby gradually squeezed out into the enormous space between the galaxies. That is why not The folloing is NOT TRUE:
Does the positron (the electron's antiparticle) have a lot of mass? I would like to believe that it is made of antimatter, it is attractive to believe that it is pushed away in a gravitation field, but no, it seems ot be attracted as ordinary so it has positive mass. Read: : 2. The photo of the stars shows 3 huge galaxies being squeezed together by some dark matter that must be around them. As more dark energy is being created all the time, the repulsion accelerates, and therefore the speed of everyone's escape from everyone becomes greater.
In addition to dark energy, the universe also contains antimatter, but it has also positive mass, as far as I know.
constitute 125% of the mass of the It is in generally acceptet that the univers consits of 85% dark energy, 10% black mater and 5% ordinary, visible matter. It seems as in the calculation it is forgotten that dark energy has a negative mass, so the total should be (-85+5+15)% = -65% and the visible mass +5/(-65) = 1/(-13) = -7.7% of the universe.

BigBang's formation
At the BigBang, there was either nothing or all matter was first gathered in a point (t,x,y,z)=(0,0,0,0). So you knew where everything was and thus the entropy was zero. But it could be possible that one process took place:
Process I
- it may be a bit strange in reality. Process 1 requires a gravitational field, and the world was first point-like (r=0) and the mass was also 0 (?) so Newton's gravitational lov becomes 0/0 = maybe 0? maybe 17 billion N? at least an indefinite number.
When process I has run many times we have both matter and antimatter, they repel each other so especially if some of the matter gathers in one lump it repels the antimatter and then the Big Bang has at least begun and time passes... one can well perceive the present as a later phase of the Big Bang.

And once more:
Big Bang is a prerequisite for defining a time, and after time was formed, the entropy began to grow ( or maybe earlier?).
There was too little room for electrons and photons, there were at first only a few, giga-sized superstrings, they first formed giga-sized world particles" which was at first all matter, but it was unstable and transformed again into hadrons which then became... "something" that again became neutrons + protons + electrons. It took some time, because electrons take up a lot of space and the universe was not that big back then. But the expansion of the universe cooled the universe, and when it got colder, the protons and electrons could come together and form hydrogen. By this process some energy is released which becomes radio waves, The cosmic microwave background radiation.
This light can still be seen, it has a much longer wavelength than it originally had, because the wavelength gets longer as the universe expands.
The cosmic microwave background radiation proves that the world was formed by the Big Bang. You cannot explain this by saying that a God created the world, because then "He" would have created this with the purpose of tricking us into believing that there was not a god who created the world.
Quasars and Milky Ways:
The matter formed from the Big Bang became quasars (quasistellar stellar objects, gigagiga big) which spread dust out which gathered in Milky Ways where it, among other things, formed stars, the stars and quasars first converted hydrogen to helium, thereby creating energy so that the stars could shine, later slightly heavier elements were formed such as carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, up to iron as one of the heaviest. Most stars have a "life" or "cycle" where at some point they explode (become a supernova) and then they can form even heavier elements, including uranium by shooting nuclear particles, especially neutrons, into the nuclei of the medium-heavy atoms. In the star's old place a black hole is then formed, so that nothing - not even light - can escape. If the mass is smaller, a pulsar (= a neutron star) is formed instead, which rotates very quickly and emits pulsating light, and at even smaller masses just a white dwarf, i.e. a star that is too small for (atomic) nuclear processes to occur in the star's core.


Darwinism as put forward by Darwin is the theory of the evolution of species, the fittest have the most children and through them survive death. In this way the lucky qualities are promoted. To become a good theory, elements from Mendel's theory of heredity and the theory of chromosomes must be added. Then one can explain how the higher life has developed from simpler forms of life, and the formation of the simpler forms of life can then be attributed to coincidences where the right conditions are present - or perhaps to mysterious aliens. I assume it is so much common knowledge that everyone knows it.
Note also the difference between the time that has passed since the creation of life, if God has created the world or what has been arrived at by studying fossils: If we believe in the Bible and that it is God's creation the earth was formed perhaps 6,000 years ago, but studies of fossils and radioactive substances in them show that the earth was created approx. 4½ billion years ago. So between the two ages there is a factor of 45000000000/6000 = 75000000 = 75 million, of which there may have been life on earth for half of the time, i.e. approx. a factor of 38 million ! - the humans have miscalculated by using the Bible.

Uncertainty relations

No matter what you measure, there is a certain uncertainty of measurement, however, if you count the number of people in a tram, for example, there will always be a whole number, without uncertainty of measurement, as long as you have counted them carefully. But in quantum physics, which is a microcosm down to atomic size, the concepts are more nuanced. If you want to measure an atom or atomic particle, or something that is even smaller, then there are some specific rules for how large the measurement uncertainty must be.
If we have a particle in a coordinate system (x,y,z) with mass m and velocity vx, then it has momentum in the x-direction m•vx = px = the mass times the velocity vx, and similarly for the y- and z-directions.
In the following I will look at, among other things, some positions and velocities, and the small atomic particles, etc. do not have a specific position, they turn out to be both particles and waves at the same time, and can be described as wave functions, i.e. like a cloud you can see in some places where they are and where they are not, but there is no sharp transition, so you cannot determine the exact position x without there being a certain interval where you probably know they are within, but not where. I use the sign Δ in front of x to indicate the interval - or strictly speaking half of the interval it lies within, so the interval becomes 2•Δx. Furthermore, I use Planck's constant h and the derived quantity ћ=h/2π.
Then Heisenberg's uncertainty relations applys: position measurement uncertainty in the x direction • impulse measurement uncertainty in the x direction, correspondingly for y and z, but in ΔE•Δt is E the kinetic energy and t the time.
Δx•Δpx >= ћ Δy•Δpy >= ћ Δz•Δpz >= ћ ΔE•Δt >= ћ
In microcosmos
the uncertainty relations mean everything, the order of magnitude is of the same order of magnitude as ћ and particles and waves are just two different ways of looking at matter, and the properties of a substance may resemble the properties of waves or the properties of particles or both, for the substance can surprisingly have properties from both groups of substances.Microcosmos is unpredictable.

In macrocosmos
the uncertainty relations mean nothing, because ħ is an extremely small number, approx. 10-33 J·s, so we can calculate, for example, how the stars formed by seeing how they first looked and then using the laws of physics to work out how they will look in one second or in one year, and when we know that we can repeat the calculation. One uses same method, albeit with rather small steps, if you as a metrolog want to calculate the weather, or as a geolog who wants to calculate the development of the continal plates.

In the living universe
We cannot predict which plants will get sick and die and which corona virus variants will come in the future. This is because the living universe is something between the microcosm and the macrocosm. If a human child is born who happens to develop into a Putin or Hitler type, then wars will arise and/or large palaces will be built. It cannot be predicted whether wars will arise or large palaces will be built, because "The living universe" is unpredictable, among other things because of the chromosomes (genes) that sometimes make mutations (a property from the microcosm) that living things are able to "lift up" to the macrocosm.

Now we are in the present day, so the age of the earth is 4.54 billion years, that is, about ⅓ of the age of the universe. Traces of past life have been found in a rock block from Greenland that was from a 3.7 billion year old deposit. The find is somewhat controversial, it concerns some microbes found in a 3.7 billion year old rock - however, we cannot know for sure that the microbes found did not end up in the rock long after the rock was formed. Furthermore, we do not know whether there are even older life forms in the universe outside the earth. Not to mention the many billions of stars in the Milky Way, or in the other many billions of Milky Ways that exist, there is probably life outside the earth.

Death Death is a prerequisite for life, without it there would eventually be too many people and animals on earth. We have known that we will all die someday for as long as we have lived, so there is no reason to fear death.
When we die, our life stops: After a while, no nerve impulses = no thoughts, and the body is no different from other dead matter.
Living matter is living matter, especially because it has a metabolism.
When we are so old that we can no longer have children, and our children have flown from the nest, it could be time to die, preferably by having someone to eat us, so the flesh can be resurrected.
NB: I may dream of being eaten and continue to write about cannibalism. But instead, you can ask to be killed in so many other ways, and if you wish, you can also have your body disposed of in many other ways (burial, cremation, being eaten by predators, etc.). So when I write about cannibalism, I just mean killing, but if the body is not sick with something contagious it is a waste of good meat not to let yourself be eaten.
I have no evidence to write that my thoughts and personality could in any way survive death. But we have freedom of religion here, so without a shadow of proof I would like to believe that something spiritual remains of us after death, but that is pure speculation, in reality I do not believe in it myself. So the following paragraphs about cannibalism, that despite this I could write about some form of life after death, show that I still have some belief in some form of life after death, even if it is pure speculation.

Anything that does not harm others (to see another naked can noway harm - it is extrene natural) should be allowed. This should be part of the constitution, in any case I believe that the parliament exceeds its powers every time they violate this sentence. In this table I will look at what it means in relation to my body:
To go naken: It should be allowed to go naked everywhere. You may apply to the police for permission to prohibit this on private property with proper signage, but the police can withdraw this permission at any time.
Sexual intercourse: It is permitted to have intercourse even if it is visible to everyone, unless the house rules prohibit it.
sex:Same rules for all other sex as for sexual intercourse.
Suicide:Of course, you must decide for yourself whether you want to commit suicide. Others are welcome to help you, but here you must probably require permission from an appropriate authority, e.g. the police - the mayor - a cannibal leader type 0, to avoid abuse, to prevent a murderer from evading punishment by claiming to have permission.
Drugs: Only harmful drugs can be banned, harmless ones include Ecstasy, LSD, Psilocybin, and probably Hash and Khat..

When you die, the atoms and molecules that the body consists of are not killed like "me", ? right ?
You can also have the body disposed of in many other ways (burial, cremation, being eaten by predators, etc.). So when I write abot cannibalism I just mean killing, but if the body is not sick with something contagious, then it is a waste of good meat if you are not eaten - wow, a good argument: stop wasting food!
Live after death ?
I have no evidence to write that my thoughts and personality could in any way survive death. But we have freedom of belief in this country, so without a shadow of proof I would like to believe that there is something spiritual left behind by us after death - called  our's soul - but that is pure speculation, in reality I don't believe it myself.
Then the following sections about cannibalism, that despite this I could write about any form of life after death, shows that I still have some kind of belief in some form of afterlife death, although it is pure speculation.
The atoms and molecyles's body is not killed like "me", ? right?

The body can be disposed of in many other ways (burial, cremation, being eaten by predators, etc.). So when I write about cannibalism I just mean killing, but if the body isn't sick from something contagious, then it's a waste of good meat if you don't get eaten - wow, a good argument: stop wasting food !

When I come of age, I must have the freedom to do whatever I want with my own body, including allowing others to kill me, for example by letting them eat me. It would then require some kind of written, signed permission if you want to let others kill you with impunity. And when you have become as old as I am, and are still going to die soon, I think it must be nice to be eaten, to feel how your flesh is transformed and can become young again. If a woman has become an unwanted pregnancy, she can have the fetus removed up to the 12th week, and the time limit can be extended. I think the time limit should be extended until, preferably, ½ years after birth. After the time limit of ½ year, one may not kill or eat another human being without express consent, however, a mother may kill and possibly eat her own child if the child so wishes, and she (MK) has the permission of an authority figure . If the child's mother is not living, its guardian or guardians can take their place.
Also read about medical checks before being eaten here.
Remember: Humans are an invasive species that currently threatens to pollute the planet to the point of extinction of most life. This is due overpopulation, for example, Denmark's population has grown from approximately 4½ million people in the 1950s to approximately 7 million in 2022, an increase of 40-50%!.
I myself have become an old man and in a way I would like to die soon by having a pack of cannibals come and eat me. I do not know of any cannibal packs, but if I were to encounter such a pack one day there should be nothing to prevent it, and I make sure to have a belly on my body that could attract any cannibals (see photo).
But alas- as the law is, it is strictly forbidden to eat other people even if they were to give permission (it is indecent treatment of corpses). I can add that in my family there were several old people who starved themselves to death when they got old - an undignified death.

Drugs for those to be eaten:
Most people who are going to be eaten, or just killed, would probably prefer to get one or more drugs first, and preferably in large doses, for example:
  A sleeping agent, so that they are killed in a sleeping state,
  Alcoholic drinks
  A painkiller such as paracetamol (pamol) or preferably one in the opium group, e.g. morphine, heroin...
  Or, on the contrary, something that enhances feelings as the love and empathy remedy Oxytocin.
  A hallucinogen, e.g. hashish, LSD, Psilocybin, ecstacy, or calmer drugs e.g. cocaine. LSD is always best- or even better extacy.
  Strong night shadows: Girl apple, Bulmert, Gooseberry etc.
  or something totally seventeen, ask your local cannibal leader
The cannibals or others might like some drugs, so the cannibal leaders should bring a good, big crowd to the scene.
Sten Larris, may freely be copied

      Cannibal types:
   A Cannibal leaders
   B Those who are eaten
   C Cannibals

It must be a freedom to do everything that does not harm others, including committing suicide or allowing cannibals to eat you. It cannot be right that it is forbidden and therefore nor to be a cannibal by eating a person who has given written permission, possibly the written permission should first be approved by an appropriate authority.
This authority could be called
kannibalinspektor or cannibal type A0, who has a certain district and must approve a A1, A2, A3, ...., who leads the cannibals C1 and possibly C2, C3 ... etc. and may themselves be C1, C2 ... etc. but must know those who are to be eaten: Group B1 and possibly B2, B3 ... etc. (the cannibal food), i.e. A1 knows the wishes of the B1s, A2 knows the wishes of the B2s, etc., so together all the cannibal type A's know all those who are to be eaten, and they must ensure that the right people are being eaten and that any special wishes are fulfilled. And the A's may also be among the B's and/or C's.
The B's are the ones who want to be eaten, and the C's are the real cannibals, the ones who eat the B's. A person in group C may also be in group B, except for 1 for logical reasons: Who else would eat the last one?

overpopulation, for example, Denmark's population has grown from approx. 4½ million people in the 1950s to approx. 7 million in 2022, an increase of 40-50%!.
I myself have become an old man and in a way I would like to die soon by having a pack of cannibals come and eat me. I don't know of any cannibal packs, but if I were to meet such a pack one day there shouldn't be anything to prevent it, and I make sure to have a belly on my body that could attract any cannibals (see photo).
But as the law is, it is strictly forbidden to eat other people even if they give permission for it (it is indecent handling of corpses). I can add that in my family there were several old people who starved themselves to death when they got old - an undignified death.

Newcannibalism 2

In neocannibalism 1 above, the emphasis was on it being voluntary, if you don't want to be eaten you shouldn't do anything. Then there is no reason to go and be afraid of being eaten, so you just have to stop going to a cannibal leader and begging for it.
Now I will be a little stricter, you must refuse it if you are offered to be eaten, but provided that not too many refuse, and that we have some cannibal leaders who understand what to do, then it has some great advantages:
1) The earth remains intact, it is not polluted to death because of the invasive species humans
2) We avoid perishing in inbreeding, can even improve our race, if the cannibal leaders understand who is to be eaten, from a Darwinian point of view
3) We have no problems with immigration, as long as we give and demand the same from immigrants as from natives; however, immigrants must always give consent to either being eaten or wanting to eat others, otherwise they will not be allowed to immigrate.
x) Criminals who have been sentenced or are to be sentenced to longer prison sentences can instead choose to be eaten by cannibals. However, we must be careful that it is not perceived as a new form of punishment - it must not be a punishment, but must be an optional option !
All humans are offered to be eaten, possibly after they have first become type C cannibals. If they are type C they cannot refuse to become type B later, but can ask for a postponement. Cannibal type A0 is a public office that anyone can apply for, if they have the necessary qualifications,
see abovea. The 3 points 1), 2) and 3) must be fulfilled as best as possible, and we must avoid eating citizens who are too useful for the society. In addition, a cannibal leader type A0 must try to satisfy all the many who themselves seek to be eaten.
New cannibalism 2 In new cannibalism 1 above, emphasis was placed on the fact that it should be voluntary, if you do not want to be eaten you should not do anything. Then there is no reason to go and be afraid of being eaten, so you should just not go to a cannibal leader and beg for it.
Now I will be a little stricter, you must refuse it if you are offered to be eaten, but provided that not too many refuse, and that we have some cannibal leaders who understand what to do, then it has some great advantages:
1) 2) 3)
1) The earth remains intact, it is not polluted to death because of the invasive species humans
2) We avoid perishing in inbreeding, can even improve our race, if the cannibal leaders understand who is to be eaten, from a Darwinian point of view.
3) We have no problems with immigration, as long as we give and demand the same from immigrants as from native Danes; however, immigrants must always give consent to either being eaten or wanting to eat others, otherwise they will not be allowed to immigrate.
x) Criminals who have been sentenced or are to be sentenced to longer prison sentences can instead choose to be eaten by cannibals. However, we must be careful that it is not perceived as a new form of punishment - it must not be a punishment, but must be optional.

All humans are offered to be eaten, possibly after they have first become type C cannibals. If they are type C they cannot refuse to become type B later, but can ask for a postponement. Cannibal type A0 is a public office that anyone can apply for if they have the necessary qualifications, they must be able to select the type Bs from among those living in their geographical area, and select enough old people so that there are more young people than old people left. The 3 points
1), 2) and 3) must be fulfilled as best as possible, and we must avoid eating citizens who are too useful to society.
In addition, a cannibal leader type A0 must try to satisfy all the many who seek to be eaten themselves.
Above, I described a proposal for what would be needed to allow cannibalism. I emphasized that it should be voluntary, if you did not want to be eaten, you should not have committed any crime, then there was no reason to go and be afraid of being eaten, you should just not apply for it. New cannibalism(2) is a striction: You can be summoned to be eaten, but can also apply for a (time-limited) postponement.
A child who is not of legal age can be forced to be eaten at the request of the local cannibal leader, and (both parents encourage it, or if one parent is dead and the other encourages it), or if the child himself goes to the cannibal leader and asks for it - however: then the cannibal leader must make sure that it is really the child's free will, and also possibly encourage the child not to do so.

To apply to be eaten, an adult can fill out a "på tro ov love" form from their local A0 cannibal leader type with:
  Name, address and the like.
Height and weight (So that body mass index (your weight (kg) divided by (height2 (m2)) can be calculated) and preferably a nude picture.
Possibly occupation and preferably also health information (do you have infectious diseases that can threaten the cannibals?).
Want the way to be eaten (eaten alive or be killed first).
Can the body be processed and sold on, e.g. as canned food?
Wishes for certain cannibals or cannibal leaders.

   moral sermon :
To really be successful, it must be honorable to be eaten. If you ask your children if they want to be eaten soon, and eat well so that they can grow fat and plump until they are to be eaten, then most of them should say yes, it should be part of our morality.
When you get old and if you want to be eaten, or if you have many children and you want to be eaten, you can try to persuade some of the children to go on a fat diet and then let them be eaten, then they will not be lonely, and there will be extra meat for the cannibals.

Cannibalistic preparation
  Oh please, come and eat me,
  from buttom to my top.
  first shave me, then it's easy.
  you just eat me up.
  My meetamorphoosis
  gives meat and soul to you.
  Wee make a symbioosis,
  you eat me as ragot.

The eating of a living person (B) should normally start with shaving the body. Then roast both legs, but it is difficult to cut off B's legs without B bleeding to death. Try to roast the legs first so that the blood solidifies (coagulates) and then stab the legs, no red blood should come out, coagulated blood is brown. When the blood is the right color, cut off the legs, ask B if he/she wants to taste himself.
Then cut open the stomach and remove the entrails. the entrails.
Now body takes up less space, and with a bit of luck B can be in the oven - otherwise B must cut off the head" on a grill grate over the fire. Feel free to start eating the legs while the rest of B roasts.
Also try making pork belly from the back skin, scratch it quite deeply, but preferably without cutting all the way through. Then rub with plenty of salt and place the roast in a baking pan with the back down and pour cold water. Approx. 200°C for ½ hour, then turn the roast and roast further, approx. 2 hours or until the rind is light brown. Immediately after the roast is out of the oven, you can use a hand-held heat gun to fry the rind until crispy.

Save the world
In US, after the ambasy in Iran vas occoupied, thear were demonstratinstions in the US where the demonstrators carried signs like "Nuke Iran". In other words, if we do nothing, sooner or later one or more nuclear wars will break out, these are two of the superpowers, the whole world will feel it and possibly perish. Putin has threatened many times with a nuclear war if Russia is attacked, maybe he is very bluffing but we don't know how much.
I have
on my website suggested that NATO intervened against Russia when the war against Ukraine broke out, Joe Biden said no and maybe he was right not to enter the war? Right now (November 2022) it looks like Ukraine is winning the war, not least thanks to the help from the USA. So the fire has long been kindled for a 3rd world war. After a large-scale 3rd world war, there will be a nuclear winter for several years, not much can survive that, especially not humans.
Wars always start as a result of social problems, e.g. due to overpopulation and social distress, and here newcannibalism can help.