Cortinarius sylvae-norvegicae

sp. nov. - A new species in CORTINARIUS subgenus DERMOCYBE
Mycotaxon 48 s 85-89. 1993.
Klaus Høiland. og do .../0086.htm ... /0089.htm


Hat 2,2-7,9 cm i diameter, konveks til klokkeformet, "Felty" til svagt fibret, sommetider svagt silkeagtig, rand med meget sparsomme cortina-rester, først blegt olivengul (5C7)      , siden gulbrun (6D6)       - (6E6)       margin olivaceous yellow (5C7)       and paler than center.
Gills 0,55-0,95 cm broad, first mustard yellow with an olivaceous tingle (4C8       - 4C7       ), then with a faint orange tint (5C7       ), edge pale yellow.
Stipe: 5.2-10.8 x 0.4-0.9 cm, usally slender, fibrillose, silky, lemon yellow (3A5      ) to pale ochraceous yellow (5C6      ) with feeble [svage, utydelige], yellow (5C6       - 5D6      ) to yellowbrown (6D7      ) veil threads, base pale olivaceous yellowish.
Veil: Yellow to ochraceous yellow.
Cortina: Pale yellow.
Flesh: In cap pale brown (3C7      , 4D7       - 4E7      ) in stipe pale yellow (3A6       to ochraceous yellow or yellow-brown (4C7       - 4C8      , 5D7      ), width a weak smell og iodoform.
KOH-reactions: Cap curticle red-brown, flesh pale red-brown. Gills red-brown Stipe cortex carmine to red-brown, flesh red-brown.
Spores (6) 6,7-7,9 (9) x (4) 4,4-5,0 (5,5) µm, ovoid to amygdaloid, seldom ellipsoid, punctate, yellow-brown.
Basidia: 18-22 x 5,5-6,5 µm, with 4 sterigma maximum 4 µm long.
Gill edge: Fertile, with clavate, thin-walled, hyaline cheilocystidia, 15-25 x 6-7 µm.
Hyphae: Epicutis of parallel so somewhat interwoven, clamped hyphae, 3,5-13 µm broad, with broiwnish incrusation, yellow-brown; dark red-brown to yellow-brown , intercelluar pigment lumps among the hyphae. Hypodermium slightly differentiated, of inflated hyphae up to 22 µm broad. Hyphae of gill trama 2,5-15 µm broad, hyaline to pale yellow, with bright yellow to orange, intercelluar pigment lumps.
Pigments: Flavomannin-6.6'-dimethylether (much), endocrocin (traces), dermolutein (much), dermorubin (traces to little), and possible dermolutein or dermorubin glycosides.
Cortinarius silvae-norvigicae is hithero found either in mixed forests with spruce and birch or in pure birch stands, always on rich, moist ground ..... --------------------------------------------------------------
Diskussion (SL)
silvae-norvigicae ligner croceus meget, men har bredere lys hatrand med orange farver .... ligesom sommerfeltii !
silvae-norvigicae bør efter min mening opfattes som en sommerfeltii uden zonering, og da det er en kendt sag at zoneringen ofte mangler på sommerfeltii kan jeg kun se silvae-norvigicae som en varitet af sommerfeltii.